Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Welcome back to Term 2. The big term focus is the Science Fair.
We will be working on our big questions for Science Fair over the next 2 weeks.

Other things happening this week:
- Nigel Brown art - art that tells a story about us.
- Maths - finishing Measurement, starting Number Knowledge, assessing our Addititon and Subtraction strategies.
- English - looking at Procedural writing and reviewing our recounts from last term.
- P.E. - finishing our small ball unit and getting ready for large ball skills next week.
- Reading
- Spelling
I am looking forward to seeing homework this week and reading your opinion on ANZAC day. How are the ANZAC biscuits going?
Great to see so many students buying poppies ready for Friday's assembly.
Also we have a photography lesson to look forward to on Friday.

Term 2 - Week 1