Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here are some of the camp photos. It was a great time with fine weather and lots of fun activities. This week we will be following up with completing our camp booklets for homework. The camp booklet is due on Friday. We will use the Daily Timetable page to help with our camp recounts which we will work on next week in class.
I would also like to do a camp display including photos, camp recount, funny stories and art.
It would be great to have a visual reminder of our camp time as well as a written reminder.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 5:
Camp was awesome! A huge thanks to parents who helped with camp. It does not happen without your help and I enjoyed the company and support of the parent help.
Also: thank you to all the parents who came out on Thursday night to share a meal and game. The children really appreciated it and I was impressed at the turn out.

This week I will try and get some camp photos added onto the blog as well as some for display in Room 3.

Also this week we have our trip to the Early Settlers Museum and Milford Art Gallery on Tuesday.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Week 4:
Camp Week!
This week we are getting organised for camp. We leave on Wednesday 24 and return on Friday 26 February.
Fingers crossed for fine weather as we have heaps to do outside. We have gone over the Things to Bring list several times so hopefully everyone has every thing they need. I have just completed the Activity groups and organised the transport groups there and back. We will have to organise tent groups on Monday.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week 3

We have continued with our reading and maths groups and have settled well into work. I am very imppressed with the thinking and discussion that is happening in group sessions. Keep it up!

Word of the Week:
This week we are looking at 2 words: Migrate and Immigrate. These words fit in well with our Identity topic.

We have discussed what it means to be a New Zelander. What qualities make us special?

We have begun to prepare for camp with permission letters and offers of parent help. We will go over camp goals and expectations over the next few days.

Camp Competition:
I am looking for an amazing camp booklet title page. Design a camp title page - include Room 3 camp 2010 somewhere on the page.
Entries to me by Friday. And yes there will be a prize for the winning entry!

Complete the "It's all about me" work and research an important date in New Zealand history. Remember this is to be displayed.
Due Friday.

Student Voice:
This week we have been doing graffiti art and putting them up on a brick wall and also our class expectations:
R - Respect
I - Initiative
C - Common Sense
E - Effort
It has been a very fun week back at school.
By Amy

This week we have been doing Maths on decimals and also we have been doing maintenance for everyday basic facts and knowledge.
For reading we have used flipcharts off the interactive board. Also reading about cockroaches (ewww!) Kehu, Sir Edmund Hillary and Follow the Gold (chinese gold miners). After reading we do an after reading activity.
We have been doing recounts for writing and so far has been successful. To present we have no recounts as yet but we will have some pages after camp and the powhiri.
By Zade F

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Week 2

What a great start to Term 1.
I have been very impressed with how well everyone has settled into Room 3.

This week we start swimming.
Room 3's swimming times are:
  • Wednesday 10 Feb 12.30-1pm
  • Wednesday 17 Feb 12.30-1pm
  • Tuesday 9 March 9.30-10am
  • Thursday 11 March 10-10.30 am
  • Tuesday 16 March 9.30-10am

We will leave school half an hour before our lesson begins to ensure we are on time. After the lesson we will have 15 minutes free swim in the wave pool before getting dressed and heading back to school.

Please remember to pack your swimming gear including towel for these days.

What is happening in Room 3 this week:

This week we begin our small ball skills for P.E. Again - please remember to bring your P.E. gear everyday.

Technology is on Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning.

Meet the Teacher is on Wednesday 10 February from 7-8 pm.

This week we start our Maths and Reading groups. Next week we will start our Spelling groups and Writing groups.

Word of the Week:

Our word of the week is: Procrastinate.

We will discover what it means, type of word and how to use it. The aim is to increase our vocabulary!


Today we started our class music session learning the ukulele. I thought we did pretty well!

Remember to bring in Music notices by Friday.

Homework is due Friday. Remember to ask if you are unsure about homework and I am looking forward to seeing some great work this week.

Room 3 Comments:

What did you think about last week?

What are you looking forward to this term?

Thank you Zade for visiting and writing a comment. Looking forward to reading more comments from Room 3.