Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Final Week of 2010!
This is our last blog entry for this year. It has been a great year with a great class. As with the beginning of any new year, I am as nervous as the new year 7 students who follow me from the hall on their first day. Why am I nervous? Well, I never know these 30 new students and I am always nervous about meeting my class and hoping that I will be able to teach them to the best of my ability and that they will reach their full potential.
This year I have been so lucky with my class - what a great bunch of students. I really hope they have enjoyed their year as much as I have and that they will go on to have a successful year next year in Year 8.
Finally I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.
Good bye from Room 3
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Week 9
The production was awesome. There was films, and performances on the stage. It was awesome. My favourite was Room 13 because they found someone in the rubbish bin then at the end there was a surprise. The teachers dancing to Dyanmite. It was awesome!
By Tim
By Tim
Week 8
This week we have been finishing off our last amazing race tri. This week we visited the U.K. It has been more of a challenge than other weeks because we are not studying one country but 4 (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales). For the roadblock teams have to perform; an Irish jig, speak in cockney slang, sing the Welsh national anthem and recite poetry. We have also been finishing our class movie (Clay's big adventure) with everyone pulling together to make the movie, which will either be shown on Monday 6th or Friday 10th of December in front of the school.
By Christian
By Christian
Week 8
Over the past week in Room 3, we have been working on our movie that will be shown at this week's assembly. It is written by kids, performed by kids and filmed by kids. We have worked really hard on it and have done well. We even choreographed a dance! But it's all pretty hush right now so I cna't say much more about it. The only thing I will say is that you will be upset if you miss it. Apart from that, last week was quite average, but as we near the end of the year I'm sure that something exciting is just around the bend.
By Alyssa
By Alyssa
Week 8
On Friday the Year 7's performed their productions to the Year 8's. Some classes did these on film, on stage and even on film and stage. When we finished there was a twist at the end. The Year 7 teachers thought they cold have a little fun and did a remix thing to Dynamite. It was hilarious! Everyone thought it was AWESOME!
By Jazz
By Jazz
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Week 7
Elvis is about to tell us where he is, and the Bermuda Triange council is about to tell us why it isn't a square, the phantom is taking off his mask, the full captain's log of the Marie Celeste has been found, Stonehenge blue prints are being revealed, Jack the Ripper is telling us who he is, the chicken is telling us if the egg bet him or not, a five year old is saying why he doesn't eat vegetables, the pope is confirming whether there is a god or isn't a god and the aliens are about to tell the meaning of life. Suddenly the video stops and a voice says, "Dr Kaligula and Clay are needed. Now!" As I walk down the corridor I can hear gasps of amazement, shock and horror, it was going to be a long day of filming.
By Grant
By Grant
Week 6
This last week we have been working on Room 3's production, including writing, designing costumes, choreographing and auditioning for the characters. The characters and actors are: Clay (Christian), Dr K (Grant), Gent (Ariana), Suzie (Anna) and Clay's father and brother (Josh and George). I'm pretty sure I can't say anything else but it will be awesome! We have only just started to film but hopefully it will be finished by Friday.
By Catherine
By Catherine
Week 6
It's been a cool week because the hot air balloon and the road show and the really cool assembly. I've got to admit, it was pretty cool.
By Chance
By Chance
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hot air balloon!
Week 5
We have done a lot of things this week, making clay terracotta warriors, doing chopstick challenge and doing 2 maths sessions on Tuesday!
This Friday we had a lot of fun making clay terracotta warriors and the chopstick challange. Especially the clay terracotta warriors, it was a lot of fun. We only had 25 minutes to make 5 clay warriors or 4 warriors and 1 horse. Mrs G gave points to the group with the best crafting and best details. CHALLENGING ISN'T IT? Well, everyone had tried their best and everyone did a good job.
We also had a chopstick challenge after that. Each person in your group had to pick up the chopstick, pick up 5 jellybeans (not in 1 go) and drop them into the other bowl. If you drop the bean you have to go back and try again. Again, everyone tired very hard. It's easy to tell that basically everyone practised very hard. There's only a few seconds of difference between first place to third place! The best thing is: everyone gets to eat a jellybean after that!
These are some if the things we've hardly done before. We wiosh we could have another fun day like this.
By Kevin
This Friday we had a lot of fun making clay terracotta warriors and the chopstick challange. Especially the clay terracotta warriors, it was a lot of fun. We only had 25 minutes to make 5 clay warriors or 4 warriors and 1 horse. Mrs G gave points to the group with the best crafting and best details. CHALLENGING ISN'T IT? Well, everyone had tried their best and everyone did a good job.
We also had a chopstick challenge after that. Each person in your group had to pick up the chopstick, pick up 5 jellybeans (not in 1 go) and drop them into the other bowl. If you drop the bean you have to go back and try again. Again, everyone tired very hard. It's easy to tell that basically everyone practised very hard. There's only a few seconds of difference between first place to third place! The best thing is: everyone gets to eat a jellybean after that!
These are some if the things we've hardly done before. We wiosh we could have another fun day like this.
By Kevin
Week 5
Kiaora. In tech at the moment I am in Hard Materials where we are making candle holders. I'm making a New Zealand icon and it's made out of number 8 wire which is obviously wire, that you can bend into shapes, which is perfect for me and my koru. Also in Room 3 at the moment we are slowly putting together a production. It is about a boy called Clay eho gets captured by Dr Kaligula. You will have to see it to know more.
By Georgie
By Georgie
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Week 5 and our Amazing Race!
This week we have visited China. The Blue team were feeling quite pleased about this country as Kevin is a bit of an expert on China!
Our Roadblock this week consisted of 2 parts.
The first part was making terracotta warriors from clay. It was lovely working on our clay figures today - sitting outside in the sunshine. Have a look at the photos to pick which team had the best warrior army!
The second part of the Roadblock was the chopstick relay. This involved each team working as a team to transport jellybeans by chopstick from one bowl to another. Very funny to watch!
Next week we visit Germany and we will be using some of our German language skills in the Roadblock.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Week 4 and our Malaysian Visitors
This week for our Amazing Race Homework we were all set to go to South Africa (in research not in person) when we were told we were doing Malaysia instead. I was quite disappointed as I have heritage there and so our group would have cleaned up the points that week but, on the plus side, the reason we did Malaysia was because of the year 7 classes had Malaysian trainee teachers for a week. Our class (Room 3) had two guys, Dean and Daus. Not only were they great sources of information for the Amazing Race but they were very nice and also they taught us to dance Malaysian style. I don't think we did a very good job of it but you can look up the professionals on you-tube. The week went by quickly, them sitting at the back of the class or wandering around getting ideas for their classes at home during maths, reading and writing, and joining in during P.E. sessions. They were a big help and we wouldn't have had such a good project without them. We said good bye on Friday and took some photos and they gave us a very interesting book on the world. Then they hopped on their bus and they were gone and left us with lots of knowledge of Malaysia and knowledge of how to dance Malaysian style ( not necessarily well however!)
By Jess
Monday, November 1, 2010
Week 4 and the Amazing Race
Our Amazing Race has taken us to New Zealand, U.S.A. and Italy so far. On Monday we completed the Roadblock for Italy - the pizza challenge!
Each group had to design a pizza and consider which ingredients reflected the flavours of Italy. We then put our masterpieces together. Yum (although I'm not convinced about the octopus pizza!)
This Friday I am looking forward to the groups performing their Malaysian cultural dance and/or song.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Week 3 and our Ross Creek experience.
Week 3 - Ross Creek
One beautiful, sunny morning Room 3 went on a morning walk down to the wilderness, also known as Ross Creek. A kind, old man named Pete from Adventure Masters, took us on a journey through Ross Creek with the help of some parents. We were split into 3 groups: the Tool Guys, the Cheetahs and the A Team. Our 3 challenges were Orienteering, Rap Jumping and the extreme pain of the Team Challenge dah, dah dah...
The Team Challange - Pete takes us around the whole of Ross Creek carrying a kayak for 1 whole hour. We had to face EXTREME PAIN going over and under things, through creeks, through trees. It was fun but really tiring. Our other challenges were not so hard. The Rap Jumping was funny because the guy was talking then all of a sudden he fell over. Mikayla and I were laughing so hard we nearly cried. It was so hilarious.
We all had a great time, we pretty much came out of our comfort zone with the team challenge.
Well done to Mrs G for coming even though she was sick.
By Ariana
The Team Challange - Pete takes us around the whole of Ross Creek carrying a kayak for 1 whole hour. We had to face EXTREME PAIN going over and under things, through creeks, through trees. It was fun but really tiring. Our other challenges were not so hard. The Rap Jumping was funny because the guy was talking then all of a sudden he fell over. Mikayla and I were laughing so hard we nearly cried. It was so hilarious.
We all had a great time, we pretty much came out of our comfort zone with the team challenge.
Well done to Mrs G for coming even though she was sick.
By Ariana
Week 2 - Athletics
On Wednesday was Athletics. I was in the U12 girls. We did high jump with Mrs Garthwaite, Mr Martin and his high jumping hat and Miss McGregor. My favourite was the shotput.
By Kara
By Kara
Week 2 - Athletics
I'm in the Under 13 boys athletics team. For athletics we did hurdles, shot put, sprints, high jump, long jump and hurdles. It was really fun and it wasn't a bad day. I was very good in sprints and came 1st, 2nd, and 2nd. People who are very good in something and come in 1st or 2nd will compete in the North Zone Sports. Everyone I know had a great time and had their fun workout for the day. Hopefully it encourages more people into sports and get really fit!
By Fabian
By Fabian
Week 2
This week has been so busy with Athletics and Teachers' Only Day. The Teachers' Only Day gave the staff a chance to discuss and reflect on the things that we do here at Balmacewen. With life so busy at times it is great to have time to stop and reflect. I came away feeling more motivated and aware of what I need to be doing to provide the best possible learning experiences for Room 3.
Next week also promises to be busy with our class trip to Ross Creek!
Next week also promises to be busy with our class trip to Ross Creek!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Term 4 - Week 1
The last term of the year. The year has gone so quickly! This term is a busy term but hopefully a sunny term too. We have been enjoying the beautiful weather this week and managed a couple of games outside as well as some athletics practises.
This week we started the Amazing Race as our homework focus for this term. I am enjoying the enthusiasm and motivation everyone is demonstrating. Keep it up! Look forward to some varied and interesting Roadblocks over the next 10 weeks. Remember too, there is a quiz each week about each country.
We are also into speeches. Today we started our impromptu speeches and next week we will begin deciding on the topic and writing a well crafted 3 minute speech ready to present to the class in Week 4.
This week we started the Amazing Race as our homework focus for this term. I am enjoying the enthusiasm and motivation everyone is demonstrating. Keep it up! Look forward to some varied and interesting Roadblocks over the next 10 weeks. Remember too, there is a quiz each week about each country.
We are also into speeches. Today we started our impromptu speeches and next week we will begin deciding on the topic and writing a well crafted 3 minute speech ready to present to the class in Week 4.
Georgie and I left the school grounds to head out to NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). Instead of focusing on the babies we decided to focus on the nurses. So we got some help from the class and we put together a care package full of baking. We walked out of NICU feeling happy because they said they have never had something like that happen before.
(Here are some photos from our visit.)
Long Beach
On Friday the 10th of September Room 3 had a fantastic trip to Long Beach. Our class was split up into 3 groups: rock climbing, exploring the cave and sand sculpturing. It was a very fun day, there was even a dead sheep near the cave! And I found a sheep's skull.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Milford Track
David was lucky enough to miss 2 days of school to walk the Milford Track last week. He had a great time and shared lots of his highlights with the class. He didn't seem overly excited about sleeping in huts with rat poo though!
Friday of Week 8 saw Room 3 rock climbing at Long Beach. What an awesome day we had! The sun was shining and everyone was busy but very relaxed. My favourite quote of the day was "This feels like a long weekend!"
I was so impressed with the effort everyone put into the rock climbing - even those who were less confident.
A huge thanks to the parent help. They were sensational and helped make the day the success it was!
Now here are the photos.
Week 7
Week 7 was a great week! Room 3 started working on our ASPIREs and a few people got badges! This term, our ASPIRE is about health agencies and what we can do to help them. Everyone has to finish and ASPIRE. We create a big question and then find ways to answer it. Hopefully our ASPIREs will be absolutely brilliant this term. Speaking of great achievements, in Friday's assembly, a lot of badges were given out for different things. There were sports badges, Australasian badges, Robocup and Science Fair badges. Many Room 3 students received badges and hopefully by the end of the year, all Room 3 students will have at least one badge.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Mrs G's update for Week 7 and looking to Week 8
We have been putting in quite a lot of work into our Puberty unit and ASPIRE. We have discussed a number of health agencies and working on our big question for our ASPIRE. Our focus for ASPIRE is: "What challenges do these health agencies face when? and how can we help?"
I was impressed with the quality of the homework this week. More time and effort was put into work and research. Thank you for the effort. I have appreciated it!
We have continued with our hockey skills for P.E. and have started to use our skills in games. The skills are developing well.
Our persuasive writing is developing well. There are some high qualtiy pieces of work developing well and over the next couple of weeks I will include some on the blog.
This coming week we have our rock climbing trip to Long Beach to look forward to. Fingers crossed the weather stays fine for us! Thank you to parents who have offered to help. I will send home information about the day this week - the activities, the groups etc. In class we will discuss the safety aspects of the day so we are fully prepared. In the event of bad weather I will ring More FM to leave a cancellation.
Last note: Best wishes to Kara - she is representing Balmacewen in Christchurch this weekend at the Robocup competition.
Mrs Garthwaite
I was impressed with the quality of the homework this week. More time and effort was put into work and research. Thank you for the effort. I have appreciated it!
We have continued with our hockey skills for P.E. and have started to use our skills in games. The skills are developing well.
Our persuasive writing is developing well. There are some high qualtiy pieces of work developing well and over the next couple of weeks I will include some on the blog.
This coming week we have our rock climbing trip to Long Beach to look forward to. Fingers crossed the weather stays fine for us! Thank you to parents who have offered to help. I will send home information about the day this week - the activities, the groups etc. In class we will discuss the safety aspects of the day so we are fully prepared. In the event of bad weather I will ring More FM to leave a cancellation.
Last note: Best wishes to Kara - she is representing Balmacewen in Christchurch this weekend at the Robocup competition.
Mrs Garthwaite
Week 7
This week we have been learning about health agencies and where they are based. We have also been learning about puberty. On Friday we had this awesome drummer come and play music for us.
Week 8
This week we had a special assembly with Drummer Dylan Elise who had a huge set up on the stage complete with cow bells. There was a big screen up on the stage with a view of inside of the drum set. He included us with drumming and got us tapping out a beat. Dylan had many cool tricks with the drum and it was very awesome.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Week 7
Last week we had the adventure of dissecting a rat with the help from Jono. It was fasincating looking at the internal workings of a rat. There were a few pale faces but everyone handled the experience well.
Letters have gone home about our next trip out of the classroom. Our trip to Long Beach to do rock climbing is Friday 10 September. It is a great day out.
This week we will finalise our ASPIRE questions. This term's ASPIRE is based around health agencies and what challenges they face.
Letters have gone home about our next trip out of the classroom. Our trip to Long Beach to do rock climbing is Friday 10 September. It is a great day out.
This week we will finalise our ASPIRE questions. This term's ASPIRE is based around health agencies and what challenges they face.
We have all had an epic week of training. It's now all over, we have all tried hard so we can have a good week just relaxing and resting. Good work to those who got in the top 20 and great work if you got in the top 12.
By Jeremy
By Jeremy
On Wednesday Eddy, Grant and I went to a writing workshop with Ken Catran, a kiwi author. It was really cool because he read some of his stories to us, helped us with writing stories, and told us about how he got the ideas for his books. One thing I remember that really stands out is that he was the first writer for Shortland Street! How cool is that? I don't know about the others, but I had an awesome time!
By Kara
By Kara
Dr Phil is coming?
On black Friday Dr Phil aka Jess's dad came to talk to us about the body as he is a doctor. We learnt a lot of things like your vision is at the back of your brain and if you took 7/8 of someone's liver, it will grow back in 3 months and still be fully functional and lots more.
Remember to vote for Balmacewen at erinsimpsonshow.co.nz
By Anna
On black Friday Dr Phil aka Jess's dad came to talk to us about the body as he is a doctor. We learnt a lot of things like your vision is at the back of your brain and if you took 7/8 of someone's liver, it will grow back in 3 months and still be fully functional and lots more.
Remember to vote for Balmacewen at erinsimpsonshow.co.nz
By Anna
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Week 5
Cross country week! All our training will be put into action this Friday. The cross country will start after interval on Friday. Everyone has been training hard and seeing results as their running times are improving - some by 4 minutes!
This week we have welcomed a new Room 3 student. Welcome to Kevin.
Also this week we have been focusing on persuasive writing. We have discussed stating our point of view clearly in our introduction then elaborating our main points in the following paragraphs, using supporting evidence to strengthen the argument. Then using our conclusion to restate our point of view. We have also discussed using emotive language to help persuade.
Homework this week includes a writing task. This gives an opportunity to practise the writing skills.
I am looking forward to wonderful homework this week as last week's was disappointing. I am looking for completed work, which is tidy and easy to read and shows evidence of effort and thought.
This week we have been finishing off the Body topic. A huge thanks to Dr Phil Blyth who came to speak to Room 3 on Friday. We learnt heaps!
We have just started our Puberty unit yesterday. It promises to be fun!
Next week we will have a go at the Rat dissection.
This week we have welcomed a new Room 3 student. Welcome to Kevin.
Also this week we have been focusing on persuasive writing. We have discussed stating our point of view clearly in our introduction then elaborating our main points in the following paragraphs, using supporting evidence to strengthen the argument. Then using our conclusion to restate our point of view. We have also discussed using emotive language to help persuade.
Homework this week includes a writing task. This gives an opportunity to practise the writing skills.
I am looking forward to wonderful homework this week as last week's was disappointing. I am looking for completed work, which is tidy and easy to read and shows evidence of effort and thought.
This week we have been finishing off the Body topic. A huge thanks to Dr Phil Blyth who came to speak to Room 3 on Friday. We learnt heaps!
We have just started our Puberty unit yesterday. It promises to be fun!
Next week we will have a go at the Rat dissection.
Week 5
This week we had Dallas come in for Balmac's Les Mill's training. Two weeks ago Dallas came in and taught us jabs, uppercuts and huge swinging punches. This time we were taught double jabs and ab punches. It was superbly spectacular. It's a great way to get fit, and have fun, all at the same time.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Week 3
It has been a very busy week this week. It was a great turn out last night at Open Night. Thanks to all those in Room 3 who came back to school to help!
We have been working hard on the body and covering how our body works. Next week we are fortunate to have Dr Phil Blyth coming in to talk to us about how the body works.
Some useful websites for information about the body are:
* www.e-learningforkids.com
* www.getbodysmart.com
* www.kidshealth.org
* www.brainpop.com
We have been training hard for cross country which is in Week 5.
Have a look at the following website - www.fabostory.blogspot.com It is written by several well known authors and it is designed to encourage young writers to contribute. Last week Sophie from Room 7 had her chapter accepted and added to the story. Check it out and have a go!
Next week we will have the Scholastic Book Fair at school - located in the library. Feel free to browse and buy. I know I will be there lining up at the door Monday morning ready to buy books for my boys but also keeping an eye out for a new book for our class library.
We have been working hard on the body and covering how our body works. Next week we are fortunate to have Dr Phil Blyth coming in to talk to us about how the body works.
Some useful websites for information about the body are:
* www.e-learningforkids.com
* www.getbodysmart.com
* www.kidshealth.org
* www.brainpop.com
We have been training hard for cross country which is in Week 5.
Have a look at the following website - www.fabostory.blogspot.com It is written by several well known authors and it is designed to encourage young writers to contribute. Last week Sophie from Room 7 had her chapter accepted and added to the story. Check it out and have a go!
Next week we will have the Scholastic Book Fair at school - located in the library. Feel free to browse and buy. I know I will be there lining up at the door Monday morning ready to buy books for my boys but also keeping an eye out for a new book for our class library.
Week 3
On Thursday morning we played dodgeball with Room 11. It was Highgate and Chapman vs Lynn and Shetland and we won both games. The Room 11 left but Room 10 came in. We had a game against them. We won one and they won one.
Week 2
We all know that we have been training hard for the cross country run. Room 3 is getting a guest from Les Mills gym to take us for a fitness lesson and we are all excited!
I am so excited about today because it is the first session with Les Mills school of fitness. OMG! this is so much fun, it keeps your heart pumping at teh same time you're working out and getting fit.
I am so excited about today because it is the first session with Les Mills school of fitness. OMG! this is so much fun, it keeps your heart pumping at teh same time you're working out and getting fit.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Term 3 - week 1
Wow! The last 2 terms have just flew past. There have been lots of exciting things happen like camp, mufti day, a free pool swim and lots of other things that have been a blast. We have recently changed technology groups and I am now in sewing with Miss Vernables, which I'm sure will be a very exciting experience. Hope you all had a good holiday.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Week 10 - almost Week 11
Wow! Science Fair is over.
Well done to all of Room 3 for a fantastic effort. It does take a lot of time and effort to complete one but it is worth it when we can share the final results.
Room 3 prize winners are:
Grant McNaugton - Environmental value of a fruit label.
Alyssa Parks - Using science to make the stairs safer.
David Pask - Hovercraft.
Highly Commended are:
Jason Stewart - The tomato patch
Vincent Rozenberg - How heat escapes
Jeremy Burgess - Salt and Ice.
Class awards:
Fabian Andriessen - Why does a hot air balloon go up?
Oliver O'Brien - Talking to plants.
A very pleasing result for Room 3!
Well done to all of Room 3 for a fantastic effort. It does take a lot of time and effort to complete one but it is worth it when we can share the final results.
Room 3 prize winners are:
Grant McNaugton - Environmental value of a fruit label.
Alyssa Parks - Using science to make the stairs safer.
David Pask - Hovercraft.
Highly Commended are:
Jason Stewart - The tomato patch
Vincent Rozenberg - How heat escapes
Jeremy Burgess - Salt and Ice.
Class awards:
Fabian Andriessen - Why does a hot air balloon go up?
Oliver O'Brien - Talking to plants.
A very pleasing result for Room 3!
Week 10
This week has been stressful but a happy week. Science Fair is finally finished. There were lots of great designs and topics, some were not so great but then we can learn next time. This last week we have been writing imaginative recounts. Some kids in Room 3 are very MAGICAL! Also last week the Year 7's started to learn about Matariki, there were about 6 groups. I did the poi with Mrs Tasi-Cordtz. It was awesome. We did Poi E off the movie BOY.
This is Ariana signing out, and go SHETLAND!
This is Ariana signing out, and go SHETLAND!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Week 10
"5 blades, 6 on a bad week. 25 blades!"
Grreat, Mr Henderson was yelling at us again, well nobody taught us how to use a coping saw without breaking the blade. Anyway, in hard material tech we are making shields that represent our names, we drew a design, cut it out, sand it and paint it and pretty it up.
In art tech we are making 3D houses and doing a collage on top of them.
At textiles we made paper (coloured, smelly or otherwise) and last but not least- food tech or cooking, we make some biscuits or a smoothie or something along those lines anyway.
Grreat, Mr Henderson was yelling at us again, well nobody taught us how to use a coping saw without breaking the blade. Anyway, in hard material tech we are making shields that represent our names, we drew a design, cut it out, sand it and paint it and pretty it up.
In art tech we are making 3D houses and doing a collage on top of them.
At textiles we made paper (coloured, smelly or otherwise) and last but not least- food tech or cooking, we make some biscuits or a smoothie or something along those lines anyway.
Week 10
Over the last week all the year 7 classes have been learning about Matariki (the Maori New Year). Here are some of the things they did:
A Haka is a Maori war dance performed before battle to scare the enemy and warm up, it involves slapping ones body and chanting loudly.
The poi is a ball in the end of a string, that is waved around one's body. Pois were used to strengthen wrists.
Flax weaving-
Flax is a long thin leaf growing on a flax bush. It is often weaved into many different shapes.
Kai is the maori word for food, this group prepared a hangi lunch for the Year 7's.
The observatory group focused on the constellation of Matariki and went to the observatory to see it.
This group went to the Otago Museum and went to the Starlab (an inflatable dome with stars inside) to look at the constellation of Matariki.
Stick Games-
The maori stick games involve clapping sticks together and passing with a partner sitting opposite.
Art (Number 1)-
On large pieces of material a combinatoon of Matariki and Nigel Brown art was painted.
Art (Number 2)-
After being assigned to a page of a story the people repainted the art on that page and then put together in a photo story.
A Haka is a Maori war dance performed before battle to scare the enemy and warm up, it involves slapping ones body and chanting loudly.
The poi is a ball in the end of a string, that is waved around one's body. Pois were used to strengthen wrists.
Flax weaving-
Flax is a long thin leaf growing on a flax bush. It is often weaved into many different shapes.
Kai is the maori word for food, this group prepared a hangi lunch for the Year 7's.
The observatory group focused on the constellation of Matariki and went to the observatory to see it.
This group went to the Otago Museum and went to the Starlab (an inflatable dome with stars inside) to look at the constellation of Matariki.
Stick Games-
The maori stick games involve clapping sticks together and passing with a partner sitting opposite.
Art (Number 1)-
On large pieces of material a combinatoon of Matariki and Nigel Brown art was painted.
Art (Number 2)-
After being assigned to a page of a story the people repainted the art on that page and then put together in a photo story.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Homework - Week 9
This week for homework I need to see:
* Your results and conclusion written up. Remember your conclusion links back to your hypothesis and results. You should also include some of your scientific background information and how this helps explain your investigation.
* Your introduction - what made you choose this idea/investigation?
* Presentation. We discussed on Friday how to set it out and to make clear headings.
Remember this is the last week. The Science board must be completed and at school by next Monday at the latest. We start presentations next week.
* Your results and conclusion written up. Remember your conclusion links back to your hypothesis and results. You should also include some of your scientific background information and how this helps explain your investigation.
* Your introduction - what made you choose this idea/investigation?
* Presentation. We discussed on Friday how to set it out and to make clear headings.
Remember this is the last week. The Science board must be completed and at school by next Monday at the latest. We start presentations next week.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Week 8
This week in Room 3 we have been working hard. It has been a wet and miserable week. We have been publishing our Tim Tam Slam on the computer and working on our Shoot Out rules.
Week 8
Last Friday we went on our Mega Maths Month free swim. It was a blast. I think people of the public were surprised how many kids there are at Balmac. People went on the hydro slide. When we got to the top after a long walk up to the hydro slide, there was Mr Herden, waiting to torture us with prone holds and push ups. Finally after he was finished with torturing us we got to go on the hydro slide. After that it was off tothave a dunk with my mates in the wave pool. The walk down was a bumpy walk but the funniest part was when Fabian walked intoa post box, hehe! The walk back was the most challenging, the stairs are as steep as Baldwin Street, but it was an awesome time. Thanks Balmac!
Ariana and Georgie
Ariana and Georgie
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Week 7
Aim: To make a Tim Tam into a straw!
Tim Tam x 1
Cup of Milo (prepared)
1. Grab the delicious chocolately Tim Tam and the warm cup of Milo.
2. Bite off the diagonal corners of the Tim Tam.
3. Gently lower a corner of the Tim Tam into the Milo.
4. Firmly suck up the Milo at the other corner and when the Milo is in your mouth, "SLAM" the whole Tim Tam in your mouth and eat!
Ingredients and Equipment:
1 Tim Tam
Your mouth!
A cup of milo already made.
1. Bite a top corner off the Tim Tam and bite the bottom corner off.
2. Sit the cup of Milo on a table, lower your Tim Tam carefully into the milo still holding on to it.
3. Suck through the Tim Tam like its a straw. The moment you feel the Milo come through, shove that sugary goodness in your mouth.
4. Chew politely and swallow, then go around telling everyone how great it tasted!
Week 7
This week Room 3 did Tim Tam Slams and they were good! A Tim Tam Slam is where you use a Tim Tam as an edible straw. As you eat it, it melts in your mouth for a delicious treat.
Room 3 have been learning about States of Matter and irreversible and reversible changes, ie chocolate - when you melt then freeze it, it doesn't change the material itself.
Room 3 have been learning about States of Matter and irreversible and reversible changes, ie chocolate - when you melt then freeze it, it doesn't change the material itself.
Week 7
Arrive at school and things are full on, starting with the roll and reading, which consists of reading a story or article in a school journal, commenting and filling out a worksheet.
Then comes writing, in which (at the moment) is completing and publishing some procedural writing aobut a game called Basketball Shoot out, a new class fave (other than Stopball). After that is interval, and then Maths and some kids shoot off to Maths Extension and have fun while learning (it's a miracle!). That lasts about an hour and then its onto something like singing or fitness/run around Bishops Court. This is a quick period as Maths takes such a long time.
Lunch is next which is usually sprawling on the floor cackling with Fabian and David or shooting hoops with Jazz, Mikie and Georgie.
After lunch we have a variety of activities including Tech, House sports, maybe some P.E. and some times a game with another class. Then the bell goes and we let out that breath that we realise we have been holding onto since we woke up this morning and stagger home, ready to hit the sack.
Arrive at school and things are full on, starting with the roll and reading, which consists of reading a story or article in a school journal, commenting and filling out a worksheet.
Then comes writing, in which (at the moment) is completing and publishing some procedural writing aobut a game called Basketball Shoot out, a new class fave (other than Stopball). After that is interval, and then Maths and some kids shoot off to Maths Extension and have fun while learning (it's a miracle!). That lasts about an hour and then its onto something like singing or fitness/run around Bishops Court. This is a quick period as Maths takes such a long time.
Lunch is next which is usually sprawling on the floor cackling with Fabian and David or shooting hoops with Jazz, Mikie and Georgie.
After lunch we have a variety of activities including Tech, House sports, maybe some P.E. and some times a game with another class. Then the bell goes and we let out that breath that we realise we have been holding onto since we woke up this morning and stagger home, ready to hit the sack.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Week 6
Kara's comment:
This week Room 3 are on Assembly and for our theme we are doing, "Has Room 3 Got Talent?" The assembly presenters are Amy and George. The host is Sasha as Mrs Ryan Seacrest and the judges are: Josh as Randy Jackson, Eddy as Simon Cowell and me, Kara as Ellen DeGeneres. We are all really nervous, especially Mrs Garthwaite! I hope it goes really well, I'm so excited.
Eddy's comment:
Last week Room 3 hosted assembly. We had only been practising for one week. We had never been through it without stopping until the real thing. My favourite act was the Zumba ad. I think we did really well.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Fabian's comment:
Room 3 went to the Orokonui Centre to take photos with our cameras. First 2 people there explained how to walk quietly so the birds won't fly away. We started walking around the beautiful forest taking beautiful photos. We leant all these angles of taking the photos. There were Tuis, Bellbirds, Kakas, Fantails and loads more! We had a competition of the best photos. It was misty and the mountains were stunning! At the end we went back in the bus with smiles on our face. It was awesome and Room 3 had a great time!
Room 3 went to the Orokonui Centre to take photos with our cameras. First 2 people there explained how to walk quietly so the birds won't fly away. We started walking around the beautiful forest taking beautiful photos. We leant all these angles of taking the photos. There were Tuis, Bellbirds, Kakas, Fantails and loads more! We had a competition of the best photos. It was misty and the mountains were stunning! At the end we went back in the bus with smiles on our face. It was awesome and Room 3 had a great time!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Amy's Comment:
Miss Blois is a teacher from the University. She came and taught us for 2 weeks. She told us about digital photography and Netball. We learnt lots of tips for shooting and passing, now we are really good at netball and we are using these skills on the court. With photography we went to Orokonui Ecosanctary and got amazing photos. It was very hard to say goodbye but she gave us the next book in the series we are reading but most of all she gave us lots of great memories.
Miss Blois is a teacher from the University. She came and taught us for 2 weeks. She told us about digital photography and Netball. We learnt lots of tips for shooting and passing, now we are really good at netball and we are using these skills on the court. With photography we went to Orokonui Ecosanctary and got amazing photos. It was very hard to say goodbye but she gave us the next book in the series we are reading but most of all she gave us lots of great memories.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Week 5:
We are still busy with Science Fair.
Homework this week:
Publish your Introduction(optional), Aim, Hypothesis and Method.
Continue with testing and take notes and photos of what you observe.
Remember to allow for fair testing and try and test 3 times to ensure you get the same results each time.
Review your research - are you understanding the science behind your investigation?
Laast week we visited Orokonui Ecosanctuary. What a great trip! Here are jsut a sample of the awesome photos we took:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Week 4 Homework:
Science Fair:
This week for homework I need to see:
- your plan for your experiment. Remember to write the equipment you need and the steps for the experiment. (Procedural writing)
- remember to allow for fair testing - you need to test 3 times - do you get the same results each time?
- take notes of what you observe.
- take photos of your experiment.
- this week start your testing.
- conduct your interview as another source of information.
All of this information should be stored in your Science Fair folder and should be coming to school most days and returning home most nights.
Continue using the timeline of what you need to get done and by when. This will help you manage your time better.
You should have quite a lot of information in your folder by now.
Science Fair:
This week for homework I need to see:
- your plan for your experiment. Remember to write the equipment you need and the steps for the experiment. (Procedural writing)
- remember to allow for fair testing - you need to test 3 times - do you get the same results each time?
- take notes of what you observe.
- take photos of your experiment.
- this week start your testing.
- conduct your interview as another source of information.
All of this information should be stored in your Science Fair folder and should be coming to school most days and returning home most nights.
Continue using the timeline of what you need to get done and by when. This will help you manage your time better.
You should have quite a lot of information in your folder by now.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
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